Need help logging in? Are your credentials from our old (pre-Dec 31, 2015) not working? No worries, here's what to do!
All of your points are still there (as long as you use the same email address to set up your "new" account). And we can still give you tracking codes for your old orders and set up returns - so nothing is lost. We just wanted to make sure we had the best security in the business - along with the best prices.
Step 1:
Click on the "login" at the top right hand corner of the website.
Step 2:
Click on the yellow "Create Account" button. If you've set up an account after Dec 31, 2015, just go ahead and log in with your credentials.
Step 3:
Enter your information. Make sure you use the same email address you used with the old account - this is how it will recognize you and add your DH Rewards points back into your account. (You won't be able to see your past orders, but if you need to make a return or get shipping information - we can still see your entire order history in our admin).